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In-Person Event
Jan 6, 2024
In-Person Event
Jan 6, 2024
STEP files of our robots. Warning: Large file sizes.
Mecanum drive, plastic chassis, simple design, flexible chassis keeps all four wheels on the ground
Welded aluminum chassis, six-wheel drive, single speed, drop center wheel, 6" wheels
Welded aluminum chassis, six-wheel drive, single speed, frisbee shooter
Welded aluminum chassis, six-wheel drive with two-speed transmission
Welded aluminum chassis, mecanum drive, two lift mechanisms
Laser cut plates, PE plastic end plates and lifting arms, sweeper bar, controls mounted from bottom
Laser cut plates, 4" wheels, 8 wheel drive, two-speed transmission, gripper, winch, ball handling
plastic chassis, mecanum drive, laminated tube and plate construction, gripper, climbing hook
Vex Pro tubing, six-wheel chain-in-tube drive, lifting arm, and chain driven robot vertical lifting mech
off-season work on simple swerve drive
Buc'n'Gears Safety Corner - Toolbox Talks
FIRST Mechanical - design related info
FRC Controls System - link to control system instructions
Spinning Levers - video of how a transmission works
Simbotics - FRC resources, robot design and team info
Archieved FRC Games - old FRC game info
Lakeshore Fab Lab
Basic Programing of a DXF File
General Article on Robotics - this website was suggested by group of young ladies working on a robotics badge - doing a good turn daily
Work through this list of tasks to get up to speed quickly. Students, leaders and parents interested in FRC can work through this basic list. The more you learn about FRC the better experience you will have.
FIRST in Michigan - Michigan Event Info
FIRST YouTube Channel - tons a helpful videos
The Blue Alliance - Event and Match info and videos
Chief Delphi - Forums for everything FRC
Andy Mark - Robot parts and instructional info
Vex Pro - Vex parts
Rev Robotics - cool robot parts
West Cost Products - everthing FRC
The Robot Space - more parts
Armabot - unique assemblies, Versa Planetary adapters
TheThrifityBot - unique and helpful robot parts
McMaster Carr - Lots of parts, parts for everything!
Automation Direct - Inline air control parts + a lot more
Find Robot Parts - resource to help you find specific parts
Useful things for FRC students! Send us your comments for additional content.
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